When it comes to heating our homes, the choice of fuel can make a significant difference. Bioethanol, gas, and wood are three primary fuel types for fireplaces, each with its own set of advantages and drawbacks. This article delves into a comprehensive comparison to help you make an informed decision.


Feature Bioethanol Gas Wood
Environmental Impact High Moderate Low
Initial Cost Moderate High Low
Ongoing Cost High Variable Moderate
Maintenance Low Moderate High
Heat Output Moderate High High
Design Flexibility High High Moderate

1. Bioethanol Fires

Bioethanol is a renewable liquid fuel derived from agricultural by-products, primarily plants.


  • Environmentally Friendly: Bioethanol offers a carbon-neutral burning process, making it a green choice for heating.
  • Clean Burning: There's no need to worry about harmful emissions, smoke, or soot, ensuring a healthier indoor environment.
  • Versatility: The absence of chimneys or flues provides flexibility in installation and design.
  • Modern Design: With options like our signature 'Ribbon' burners, bioethanol fires seamlessly blend into contemporary interiors.


  • Fuel Cost: While bioethanol is eco-friendly, it might be pricier than gas or wood, depending on market conditions.
  • Heat Output: While sufficient for most spaces, it might not produce as much warmth as some wood or gas alternatives.


2. Gas Fires

Gas fires utilise flammable gases, such as natural gas or propane, for combustion.


  • Convenience: With a simple switch or remote, you can ignite or extinguish the fire, ensuring consistent heat.
  • Efficiency: Gas fires can quickly warm up spaces, often outperforming wood in terms of heat output.
  • Cleanliness: They produce less mess and residue compared to wood fires.


  • Environmental Concerns: Being a fossil fuel, gas contributes to carbon emissions, though advancements are being made to reduce its environmental impact.
  • Installation: Setting up a gas fireplace might require professional installation, especially if gas lines need to be laid out.
  • Cost: Gas prices can fluctuate based on market dynamics, potentially affecting running costs.


3. Wood Fires

The classic choice, wood fires, have been used for centuries, providing warmth through the combustion of timber.


  • Aesthetic and Ambiance: The crackling sound, the scent of burning wood, and the visual appeal of flames offer an unmatched ambiance.
  • Renewable Resource: Wood, when sourced sustainably, is a renewable fuel source.
  • Heat Output: A well-maintained wood fire can produce significant heat, making it ideal for larger spaces or colder climates.


  • Maintenance: Regular cleaning, chimney sweeps, and maintenance are essential to keep wood fires safe and efficient.
  • Emissions: Wood fires produce smoke and particulates, which can be a concern in areas with air quality regulations.
  • Storage: Storing wood requires space and can sometimes attract pests.


Choosing the right fuel type is a balance of aesthetics, practicality, cost, and environmental considerations. While wood offers a timeless appeal, gas provides convenience, and bioethanol stands out as a sustainable choice. At CVO Fire, we're committed to offering a range of options to cater to diverse needs, ensuring warmth, style, and sustainability.

Interested in exploring more about these fuel types and finding the perfect fireplace for your space? Dive into our range and contact us for expert guidance.